Cosy Read

Today the F2 children enjoyed their first cosy read. It was a spooky one and they were very brave. They chose the story they wanted to hear and went to Y1 and Y2 to hear their story and have a treat. Of course they could stay in F2 if they wanted.


We have had lots of fun today. Well done families the children looked fantastic!   

ESCAL Reading Confrence 

Wow! The F2s were little superstars today. They performed at the Confrence and stood on the stage in front of all those grown ups. They rocked the Confrence and we are so proud of them. Here is a little snippet of their performance.

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Whirlow Farm Visit

What a lovely day we have had at Whirlow Farm today. We have seen lots of different animals that live on the farm and enjoyed stroking the rabbits, guinea pigs and pony. We have really enjoyed our visit and our children have been amazing!